Why Learn React JS Today? Go For That Career Shift


Developers adore ReactJS because of its high performance in render changes, high speed, and the relatively tiny framework that makes for easy learning. Starting with the fundamentals of JSX syntax, you explore how to model UI components using React Components. On completing the course, you should be proficient in managing the life cycle of React Components to generate forms and lists dynamically.B3A6526

React JS is a popular view library for front-end single page applications. It is widely used because of its flexibility and supports applications in data binding, component architecture, universal apps, and declarative views. It is backed by Facebook who uses JavaScript as a single page app.

About The React 16 Training Course:

React Courseoffer premium training to students. Here is where you benefit from:

  • 24 hours of certified instructor delivered online training where you learn to create robust applications with Redux, React JS, and Flux
  • Learn the concepts, principles, techniques and industry tricks from industry-certified faculty and mentors
  • You will under mentorship implement the technology in new live-projects as your project work in web applications
  • Continuous support even after course completion from trainers to ensure problem resolution in the implementation of projects

The fee includes international course materials that serve as quick reference guides, access to code and libraries and online support on an on-going basis

All You Need To Know

Both your hardware and knowledge have certain prequalification’s for this course. They are:

  • Prior work experience in JavaScript. Development.
  • A 2-day boot camp on the basics of JavaScript can be availed by those lacking knowledge of JS as a refresher course for refreshing your understanding of the fundamentals.

What You Will Learn In The React 16 Training:

  • Create React Elements with JSX syntax
  • Use of React Components in building applications
  • Overseeing the lifecycle and React Components
  • Use of React Components in building lists, forms, etc.

PC Software Needed:

Google Chrome or such modern browsers with editors like the JS editor, VS editor for coding etc. with an OS configuration for Windows Ubuntu/ Mac.

Features And Benefits Of Taking Up A ReactJS Course

By being proficient in React JS concepts and the React library you can build SPA applications. All enterprises focus on ROI, and you can provide them with better applications with rapid access, low maintenance costs and less developmental costs thereby increasing productivity, efficiency, and ROI.

  • You get a reliable partner for continued learning who charge reasonable fees and even have a fair refund policy
  • The course completion certificates are valued and accepted across the industry as an endorsement of your practical skills, theoretical knowledge, and proficiency in React JS
  • The scope for persons who are able to work as team players in a communicative and collaborative environment is facing high demand for such technical expertise
  • Payouts are good, and demand for professionals outstrips the supply

Most enterprises, large corporates like Google, Amazon and Microsoft have gone the Agile way and invest in Lean practices on the Scrum principles. Start today since technology is always in a state of flux.

Enhance your skills with Zeolearn! This course is good for your resume and enhances your proficiency in ReactJS. The coveted certification at the end of the React Courseis a strong foothold in this industry.