Importance of a Digital Marketing Strategy


As we enter into the new year it is time for businesses to address how they are performing and what they need to do better or different in the coming months to take things to the next level. At the heart of any great business is a great marketing strategy and digital marketing is very much the flavour of the day. There is a wealth of options for businesses to choose from when it comes to investing in an online marketing strategy, and the most important aspect of all is that they actually commit funds to boost their visibility and increase their customers through the use of online advertising, and here is why it is going to make the difference.


The average person at the moment is spending around 6 hours per day online, they do this via their phone, their tablet, their laptop and their home computer. Given that there are 3.9 billion people around the world who have access to the internet, that is a mighty big audience which you have available to pitch to. Even once you have removed those who don’t fall into your target demographic or location, it still leaves plenty of opportunities.


To continue in that stream of thought about demographics, we now have the power to target directly to the people who we think will love our business most. Through social media, email marketing and PPC advertising we can take our message straight to those who we have identified as target customers.

Organic Search

There may be some of you out there who have a high street store or an out-of-town office which doesn’t even exist online, wondering why you should be investing with an internet marketing agency. A simple answer to that query is organic search, which is customers who are using the internet to find local businesses, whether they are online or not. Mobile phone search, in particular, is growing year on year and it has long been the number 1 way in which consumers are finding local restaurants, stores and services. If your business has no presence, those customers will be lost.

Brand Growth

Digital marketing is not solely for the purpose of bringing instant leads and sales to your business, it is also about creating a brand around your business. We live in the most competitive business environment that we have ever seen and customer loyalty can be hard to come by. A trustworthy and solid brand image however will gain the trust of the customer and help businesses to reach the levels of success they have been looking for.

It Works

For a number of years now businesses have been investing in digital marketing to launch new products, to take on the competition, to increase sales and to grow their brand image. Whilst much of this was met with varied results in the very beginning, the kinks have well and truly been worked out and we now know how to deliver on these strategies. The fact of the matter is that digital marketing works, it offers incredible ROI and no matter the size or type of business which is trying to market itself online, the results are always high when the strategy is well thought out.

If you haven’t invented yet, there is no more time to waste.