Different Career Paths in Shipping


Do you want to take up an interesting career path? The Shipping Industry is an interestingly diversified one that offers exciting and rewarding career paths. Prima-facie, it may seem that the career in shipping means you are always sailing on the water. But, due to the diversification of the industry, there are as many land-based opportunities in the sector as there are sea-based options. And, the broad reach of this global sector, allows candidates with almost any discipline and level of educational degree to enter and make their career in the industry.

Here we are giving an overview of the sea and land-based career opportunities in the shipping industry. Before choosing any of the levels, be sure to do the self-evaluation of your interest, knowledge, and qualification. There are also specialist recruiters like http://www.erikjuhler.com that helps you settle at the right position as per your qualification and personality. You can submit your CV with them to explore the diversified job opportunities in the shipping industry.

The Sea-based Job categories in the Shipping Industry

  • General Crew – The general crew consists of the persons responsible for the tasks related to deck areas and the cargo. Their job profiles include works like ship maintenance, servicing of the vessel, deck machines and other utilities in addition to the cargo operations and navigations.
  • Marine Engineer – This is the category of various kinds of qualified personnel in different disciplines of marine engineering. These are the persons responsible for designing, developing and maintaining the mechanical structure of the vessels.
  • Deck Officer – The major task of the deck personnel is to navigate the vessel safely at the ship. The design and implement the plan for passage route and monitor the position of the sea as per the plan. Once on land, they need to ensure the orderly flow of cargo to the dock.
  • Marine Cook – Be it land or the sea, cooks are always responsible for preparing sumptuous dishes. In addition to the cooking, the marine cooks are also responsible budgeting, ordering and doing all other things required to maintain the food stock at the vessel.
  • Steward – Equipped with medical training certificate these staffs are responsible for accommodating the crew and helping the marine cook.

The Land-based Job Categories in the Shipping Industry

  • Shipbuilding and Repair –As the name suggests this unit is responsible for designing and building new vessels and repair the existing ones when needed.
  • Port Operations – These are basically responsible for the safety and security of the port. They make sure port regulation rules are followed by persons getting in and out of the port. They also need to make sure the cargo being imported and exported from the port are not violating any rules.
  • Crossover Positions – The personnel posted on the crossover positions do neither sail on the sea nor work on the port. They are based in corporate offices from where they manage various tasks related to the shipping industry. They include public relation specialists, maritime lawyers, human resource manager, marine biologists, accountants, and clerks.