Complete Details About Cloud and Web Hosting

Web Hosting

To have a website, you will need some web hosting. Hosting you choose is dependent on the needs of your site. You may wonder which type of hosting is right for you from shared web hosting and cloud hosting. The purpose of this post is to clear up the confusion between the two types of hosting. Below we will see the difference between cloud hosting and web hosting so that you can easily decide which type of hosting will be best for your website.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service that enables organizations and individuals to enter a web site or web page to the Internet. A web hosting service provider provides the technologies and services needed for web sites or web pages that can be viewed on the Internet. Site hosted or stored on a particular computer called a server. When internet users want to see on your website, all they need to do is type in a website address or domain into their browser.

Their computer will then connect to your server, and your Web page will be sent to them through the browser. Most hosting companies require that you have your domain to host with them. If you do not have an area, hosting companies will help you buy one.

Types of web hosting are:

Shared hosting: This is the most popular type of hosting, and this hosting is not so expensive. With shared hosting, a single server is partitioned, and you rent a server along with tens or hundreds of other sites. Shared hosting is best suited for beginners who want to get their first online sites as soon as possible.

Pros and cons Shared hosting:


  • Cheapest hosting.
  • Easy to manage.
  • Many quality plans are available.
  • Many software and applications come with shared hosting.


  • Other websites on one server can impact.
  • Less resource.

Managed hosting:

With Managed hosting, you get access to high-performance servers that are controlled and optimized for you. Typically, it will be optimized for specific types of sites, such as Managed WordPress Hosting. Managed hosting can be more expensive, but you let a team of experts run and manage your server for you.

Pros and cons Managed to host


  • Expert Support.
  • Security.
  • Daily backups.
  • Superfast.
  • No downtime.
  • Automatic Updates.


  • Less Control.
  • High Price.
  • It is specialized for WordPress only.

Dedicated hosting:

In this hosting, you own the whole server, which is allocated by your hosting provider for your website. It gives you full control over your server environment, along with high performance. However, this type of hosting is much more expensive and will require some technical knowledge to set up and maintain it well.

Pros and cons dedicated to hosting


  • You get an entire server for yourself.
  • Superior quality materials.
  • It comes with Custom configuration.
  • Higher Uptime network possible.
  • Access to the Root Server.
  • Many types of applications are there you can install any which you want.


  • More expensive than shared hosting or VPS
  • You need to expert Person to Manage.


With the VPS server, you can still take advantage of a shared server environment, but you’re running virtual servers on it. You will have the amount of allocated space, CPU utilization, memory, and much more, which can lead to increased loading time and the performance of the site. VPS is a big step up from a shared hosting environment.

Pros and cons VPS hosting


  • Own virtual server is provided.
  • You get better resources.
  • Access to the Root Server.
  • It is cheaper than managed and dedicated hosting.


  • A virtual private server is more expensive than shared hosting.
  • More technical experience required to manage VPS.

What is Cloud Hosting?

With cloud hosting, you rent space on a single physical server. It is your virtual server hardware. It is a relatively new type of hosting that has been increasingly popular in recent years.

Cloud hosting offers unlimited resource expansion, which is excellent to have if you have a site that is growing fast. Your website will be protected from the server breaks down, as your site can switch to another server if performing poorly. In this hosting, the pricing is Flexible, and you only pay for what you use. Means, if you have traffic in very high, you can quickly increase your resources. It means that if traffic goes down, then again, you can scale your needs to go up back. With cloud hosting, you will not be charged for the resources of the server which you are not using on your site.


Shared web hosting is the most economical means of publishing a website on the World Wide Web. It may be the option chosen for new website developers that often work on wafer-thin margins. However, if you run a large site like e-commerce or inventory management, etc. It is advisable to choose cloud hosting because they are not limited to the physical capacity of a dedicated server.